
Caquetá Route

In the process of recovering from war, the people of Caquetá have been literally discovering their tourist potential: places that were previously inaccessible, such as Monte Frío, Los Patos, Portales del Fragua, and even their entryway to Caño Cristales, are now welcoming those who wish to immerse themselves in their greatest wealth—water. Caquetá rests at the foothills of the Eastern Andes and marks the transition from the Andean region to the Amazon, resulting in numerous crystalline rivers that traverse it, nourishing its jungles and its people. And if the land is filled with water, the sky is teeming with birds. In Florencia, the capital, alone, 950 species have been recorded, which accounts for half of the documented species in the entire country. Amidst scarlet macaws, toucans, pavas, and andean cock-of-the-rocks, you’ll encounter its resilient and diverse people, descendants of settlers who came seeking land or during the rubber era. An illustration of the blend of cultures that have shaped the Caquetá identity are the dances celebrated here: the Rubber Dance in El Doncello, the Campesino Dance, and the Sanjuanero Caqueteño, similar to the one danced in Huila, every Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Day.

As expected, the artisans you’ll meet here draw much of their inspiration from water. They collect woods from the riverbanks, which waters clean and deliver them to the skilled hands that will transform them into carved pieces. From their jungles, they gather vines nourished by the water, and in their rivers, they find fish caught with their artisanal nets. Moreover, inspired by their abundant nature, they weave their symbols into beadwork. As you absorb the knowledge of these artisans, indulge in the delights of Caquetá: its cheeses with a designation of origin (unique due to the Amazonian pastures where their cows graze), kumis, curd, rice pudding, a hearty chicken stew, dishes made from fresh fish from their rivers, and a variety of Amazonian fruits like copoazú and arazá.

Embark on a journey full of history

Imagen del mapa de Ruta Caquetá

We recommended this tour


Schedule the visit in advance with the artisans.
Carry cash
Preferably go with a tour operator


3 days

Imagen de Florencia


We start at the capital, Florencia, where you can immerse yourself in the department’s history at two tourist sites: The Caquetá Museum and the Félix Artunduaga Bermeo Museum and Historical Trail. Three artisans await you here. Gamaliel Gómez with his bejuco hats, Jamilton Carmona with his wooden pieces, and Ovidio Aizama with the bead weavings from his Emberá community. After meeting them, take a stroll through San Francisco de Asís Plaza and visit the Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral. For lunch, visit the Amazonian cuisine restaurant Monifue.

If you’re interested in ecotourism, spend an extra day in Florencia to hike through the canyon of La Dalia Reserve, visit the Natural Park Cueva de los Guácharos, dedicated to the conservation of these peculiar birds similar to bats, meet the community of El Manantial Reserve, book a birdwatching tour, see the petroglyphs of El Encanto, or relax at Las Pailas hot springs. If you’re a music enthusiast, plan your trip for December, as the first week celebrates the National Andean and Campesino Music Festival El Colono de Oro.

El Paujil

51 kilometers from Florencia lies El Paujil, offering a scenic view on the way. Here, two experienced artisans and ecotourism destinations also await you. After learning about Daniel Prada’s fishing nets and Eduardo Prada’s bejuco inventions, you can explore between Laguna de San Juan or Cascada el Borugo, which should be visited with a guide. Spend the night here and prepare for the final destination of this Amazonian route.

Imagen de El Paujil

Imagen de San Vicente del Caguán

San Vicente del Caguán

We invite you to discover the new face of San Vicente del Caguán alongside Sulay Alejandra Alzate, an artisan who found tranquility in macramé, and the natural attractions surrounding this city. Enjoy the water in all its splendor at San Venancio waterfall and resort, Salto del Arenoso, Cañón del río Pato, Reserva El Salto de la Danta, or Reserva El Pescador. Keep in mind that San Vicente del Caguán has its own airport.

Although the famous “River of Seven Colors” Caño Cristales is located in the Meta department, it has access through San Vicente del Caguán. If you plan to visit this national wonder, don’t hesitate to extend your trip and explore it from Caquetá.

Route acknowledgement

Denominación de Origen
Queso de Caquetá

Recommended sites

Imagen con leyenda del mapa

Pueblo Patrimonio

La Red Turística de Pueblos Patrimonio de Colombia es un programa especial del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, ejecutado por FONTUR, que trabaja con 17 municipios de Colombia que poseen declaratoria de Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC) a nivel nacional para su valoración y proyección mediante el turismo, generando así más oportunidades de desarrollo y sostenibilidad en las comunidades.

La Medalla a la Maestría Artesanal es un galardón que Artesanías de Colombia entrega anualmente, con el cual se hace un reconocimiento a aquellos artesanos, empresas y comunidades artesanales que, contando con una trayectoria destacada, sobresalen a nivel nacional por su excelencia en el oficio así como por preservar el quehacer artesanal.

Denominación de Origen

Es un signo distintivo que identifica productos reconocidos o famosos por tener una calidad o características específicas derivadas esencialmente del lugar de origen y la forma tradicional de extracción, elaboración y producción por parte de sus habitantes. La protección conferida sobre una Denominación de Origen implica que ninguna persona puede identificar con la denominación protegida productos iguales o similares a los amparados, cuando no provengan del verdadero lugar y no cumplan con las características o calidades que le han dado la reputación al producto reconocido. Las Denominaciones de Origen para productos artesanales colombianos que han sido protegidas por la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio en nuestro país son actualmente 12.

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