
Bolívar Route

Although the Magdalena River crosses the entirety of Colombia from south to north, the true rhythm of its waters can be felt in only one department: Bolívar. For this reason, the latter is the main focus of this journey. You will have all the time you need to fully admire this beautiful region. Visiting Mompox —one of its birthplaces— is at the heart of the voyage. Getting to this enclave —which seems as if it were frozen in time— means traveling through another one of the department’s hidden gems: Montes de María. A town of artisan hands and musical lungs lies nestled between these hills: San Jacinto, land of hammocks, flutes, and sunflowers. Every single one of this town’s craftspeople is a master of their craft. This has earned it the Certificate of Origin seal. Witnessing these artisans weave bursts of color into their hammocks is just as wonderful as hearing them tell their stories. Finish your trip discovering the Mompox goldsmiths —experts in filigree filled with secrets and patience— and their workshops. You will come upon a place that will make you feel as if you have gone back in time thanks to its green river, its streets filled with bird songs, and its beautiful architecture.

Embark on a journey full of history

Imagen del mapa de Ruta Bolívar

We recommended this tour


Schedule the visit in advance with the artisans.
Carry cash.


5 days

Imagen de Leaving Cartagena

Leaving Cartagena

Leaving Cartagena can be very interesting. Since it takes several hours to reach San Jacinto, you can stop by San Cayetano to stretch your legs and have a mid-morning snack. The latter is an hour and a half away from the city and is part of the municipality of San Juan de Nepomuceno (83 km). Making this stop and trying the town’s famous chicharrón con yuca (pork rinds with cassava) is a must in any journey through the region. To further cater to your taste buds, look for both María Luisa cookies and the cookie sandwiches that are filled with jelly and covered in powdered sugar. These are true local delicacies.

San Jacinto

Another half an hour on the road (100 kilometers away from Cartagena), and you will reach the land of hammocks: San Jacinto. The town is impossible to miss: it is a well-known burst of color along the highway. Marveling at its beautiful wares will be easy, even more so once you meet the craftswomen we recommend. Hopefully you will be able to stay here for at least two days and immerse yourself in the charm of our craftswomen. You should not miss out on visiting the astonishing sunflower field in the Sibar Farm —an unbeatable spectacle—, and neither should you skip traversing the Los Colorados Flora and Fauna National Park —treasure of this region’s ecosystem and cradle of the colorado monkey—. In order to understand the size of this place and discover what the Montes de María mean, do not look over the San Jacinto Community Museum. It was established by a group of young people who wanted to make a municipal library and who gradually collected books, historical archives, and archaeological artifacts. They endured in their own flesh the violence that struck the town, which has now passed. Now embark on a new journey: the distance to Mompox is 175 kilometers.

Imagen de San Jacinto

Imagen de Mompox


Arriving in Mompox is a decision. The only way to reach it in the past was by motorboat. This was a true and joyous odyssey (though there are still people up for the adventure). Nowadays, however, you can get there by car: the highway is in great condition. Perhaps what you are going to feel the most at first is the town’s intense heat: the shade of each tree is an invaluable gift. You will feel this, of course, after marveling at Mompox’s perfectly preserved architecture and the stark contrast between the white facades of the houses and the green river. Walking in the coolness of late afternoon or early morning along its streets and down the Albarrada road is a pleasure. Do not forget to go to the cemetery, the marketplace, and the town’s numerous churches. You must try the renowned queso de capa momposino (cheese of Mompox) as well. Plan your trip in accordance with the cultural activities that are frequently held in town, such as the jazz or the film festivals. If you want to have a truly unique experience, travel to Mompox during Easter. The processions that take place are simply exceptional. You will be able to enjoy the fun and rhythmic furor of people from the coast.

Consulta Aquí


Route acknowledgement

Medalla Pueblo Patrimonio

Pueblo Patrimonio
Santa Cruz de Mompox, Bolívar

Medalla Maestría Artesanal

Denominación de Origen
Tejeduría San Jacinto, Bolívar

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Pueblo Patrimonio

La Red Turística de Pueblos Patrimonio de Colombia es un programa especial del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, ejecutado por FONTUR, que trabaja con 17 municipios de Colombia que poseen declaratoria de Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC) a nivel nacional para su valoración y proyección mediante el turismo, generando así más oportunidades de desarrollo y sostenibilidad en las comunidades.

La Medalla a la Maestría Artesanal es un galardón que Artesanías de Colombia entrega anualmente, con el cual se hace un reconocimiento a aquellos artesanos, empresas y comunidades artesanales que, contando con una trayectoria destacada, sobresalen a nivel nacional por su excelencia en el oficio así como por preservar el quehacer artesanal.

Denominación de Origen

Es un signo distintivo que identifica productos reconocidos o famosos por tener una calidad o características específicas derivadas esencialmente del lugar de origen y la forma tradicional de extracción, elaboración y producción por parte de sus habitantes. La protección conferida sobre una Denominación de Origen implica que ninguna persona puede identificar con la denominación protegida productos iguales o similares a los amparados, cuando no provengan del verdadero lugar y no cumplan con las características o calidades que le han dado la reputación al producto reconocido. Las Denominaciones de Origen para productos artesanales colombianos que han sido protegidas por la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio en nuestro país son actualmente 12.

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