
Paipa-Iza Route

If you decide to take the Tunja-Paipa-Duitama-Nobsa-Monguí road, which we call here the Tundama Province route (one of the 15 provinces of the department of Boyacá and whose capital is Duitama), you will discover a completely different universe of crafts and landscapes, where the multiplicity of trades is almost the rule. Its richness is infinite. There you will find weaving with different raw materials, wood carving, ball making and even bell making. Carry a jacket because it is a little cooler than Villa de Leyva… or better yet, discover the benefits of the ruana! It is a part of Boyacá that looks like a postcard, with colonial mansions and churches that display very good instances of American baroque style. Moreover, the pueblito boyacense is in Duitama: a miniature recreation of several Boyacá squares and monuments that you must see. The nature of the trades is so different that you could perfectly put together a whole circuit like the one we propose below.

Embark on a journey full of history

Imagen del mapa de Ruta Paipa – Iza

Artisans along the way

Artisans along the way

We recommended this tour


Schedule the visit in advance with the artisans.
Carry cash


4 days



Here we suggest spending two days, or at least a day and a half. Depending on your plans you can decide to either start the day in Paipa or end it there because the truth is that this city is famous for its hot springs and they are a must-see if you pass through there. In addition to the spa plan and the good food, in this city you visit the Méndez store, where you can find some of the most beautiful ruanas of Paipa. Once you have already arrived in Duitama, a mere 13 kilometers away, you can spend a whole day meeting its artisans and going not only to their workshops, where you will learn about wool weaving, crocheting, leather working, and wood carving, but also entering the colorful Pueblito Boyacense, an emblem of this department. There, you will see on a smaller scale the famous Plaza de Villa de Leyva, replicas of Ráquira’s clay sculptures, facades of some of the department’s churches and a version of the iconic monument to Los Lanceros del Pantano de Vargas, by Rodrigo Arenas Betancur. There is an entrance fee, but you can easily park and eat all the Boyacan delicacies. It is a picturesque place worth visiting to feel the richness of the department’s craftsmanship.


Whether you start from Paipa or Duitama, Punta Larga is very close (17.4 kms away from Paipa and 8 from Duitama). It is another one of the places you should not out on in any boyacense tour because the scenery of its surroundings is exceptional. In this place you can meet the master carvers of the colonial furniture that you will see throughout the department in its hotels, restaurants and traditional mansions. We invite you to visit the vineyard of Marqués de Puntalarga, a symbol of the region and the guarantee of a very good time, eating delicious food and drinking a variety of very soft wines. Use this immersion in the artisanal world to take a look at the region’s architecture and the Spanish heritage that has such a large presence there. Continue to Nobsa and discover this beautiful town: the cradle of the ruana. You will see the importance of sheep wool and how it is woven in every house. And, once you’re already there, we invite you to make one of the greatest discoveries of this department: see how bells are made by the hands of the family that has the largest amount of expertise in this craft, a legacy of centuries dedicated to this art. Spend some time with the wonderful artisans that we suggest you meet. You can sleep comfortably in this town or go to Monguí, from where you are about 40 minutes (20 kms) away.




Monguí is one of the most beautiful towns in Boyacá, and it deserves at least a full-day visit. Once an important Muisca chiefdom before colonial times, it later became an important center for Catholic evangelization, which is why its church, Nuestra Señora de Monguí, is so monumental and beautiful. The Monguiseños are devoted to Our Lady of Conception (Nuestra Señora de la Concepción), to whom several miracles are attributed. This is why pilgrimage is something that keeps the town active. But the town has more to offer than just religious worship: it is a land devoted to the sewn balls that made Monguí’s identity so strong. Enjoy watching them hanging in the streets and witness the women weavers making part of their process. Visit our suggested artisan to understand the importance of this craft. Also, the famous wool gualdrapas, the colorful puffed rugs that you will see in every house in Boyacá, come from here.

Consulta Aquí


Route acknowledgement

Medalla Pueblo Patrimonio

Pueblo Patrimonio

Denominación de Origen
Queso Paipa

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Pueblo Patrimonio

La Red Turística de Pueblos Patrimonio de Colombia es un programa especial del Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, ejecutado por FONTUR, que trabaja con 17 municipios de Colombia que poseen declaratoria de Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC) a nivel nacional para su valoración y proyección mediante el turismo, generando así más oportunidades de desarrollo y sostenibilidad en las comunidades.

La Medalla a la Maestría Artesanal es un galardón que Artesanías de Colombia entrega anualmente, con el cual se hace un reconocimiento a aquellos artesanos, empresas y comunidades artesanales que, contando con una trayectoria destacada, sobresalen a nivel nacional por su excelencia en el oficio así como por preservar el quehacer artesanal.

Denominación de Origen

Es un signo distintivo que identifica productos reconocidos o famosos por tener una calidad o características específicas derivadas esencialmente del lugar de origen y la forma tradicional de extracción, elaboración y producción por parte de sus habitantes. La protección conferida sobre una Denominación de Origen implica que ninguna persona puede identificar con la denominación protegida productos iguales o similares a los amparados, cuando no provengan del verdadero lugar y no cumplan con las características o calidades que le han dado la reputación al producto reconocido. Las Denominaciones de Origen para productos artesanales colombianos que han sido protegidas por la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio en nuestro país son actualmente 12.

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